Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fort Whyte Alive

Day 128 involved a nice day trip to Fort Whyte Alive, a waterbird and wildlife preserve here in Winnipeg. We went towards the end of the day, and we only managed about and hour of time on the trails, maybe even a bit less.

I wanted a chance to take the new lens out for a tour, and to be honest I can't say it lived up to my expectations. I think I was spoiled by renting the f/2.8 IS version. The f/4 does have serious price and weight advantages but for image quality, I think there isn't much comparison.

In fact, this one is going back on Monday, and I'm going to renew my search for a used f/2.8 IS.

Here are the pictures that I kept from the trip:

Red-winged Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird


Nesting Goose
Nesting Goose

Map Turtle
Map Turtle

Reflecting Goose
Reflecting Goose


Red-winged Blackbird in flight
Red-Winged Blackbird in flight

American Robin
Robin Redbreast

Muskrat - #1
Muskrat - #1

Muskrat - #2
Muskrat - #2

Goose saying goodbye
Goose Go Bye-Bye

I can't complain too much about the sharpness of the lens, but I just don't see the definition that I saw in the 2.8 and I don't know if it's the lack of stabilization or the quality of the 2.8s glass. So, my next lens will have both :)

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